Water pollutant discharge permits allocation based on DEA and non-cooperative game theory


Effects of water pollution: The impacts of water pollution are wide-ranging and highly dependent on the types of chemicals discharged into the main water sources. Water pollution adversely affects plants and animals that live in water. In almost all situations, the impact is devastating not only to the site and individual species, but also to natural populations of organisms. Causes of water pollution: Water pollution sources are classified as point sources or non-point sources. Point source: A point source of pollution occurs when hazardous materials enter the stream directly. Point source example: An example is a pipe that spits toxic substances directly into a waterway. Non-point sources: Non-point sources occur when pollutants flow into rivers. Non-point source example: When field manure is carried to rivers by surface runoff. Cost of water pollution: The SEI (Stockholm Environmental Institute), based at Tufts University, is leading a comprehensive assessment of this kind with a white paper titled Assessing Florida's Clean Water. The document reveals that plankton and red tide outbreaks caused by water pollution cost Floridians $1.3 billion to $10.5 billion annually. The EPA will soon decide whether to accept state-made water pollution plans or intervene with stronger federal regulation and administration. Why the cost of water pollution is measured: The freshwater of our springs, ponds, rivers, bays and ocean masses provide clean water, abundant fish, oyster and crab populations, enjoyable and safe swimming and boating views, and stunning waterfront views, real estate. If this freshwater becomes contaminated with excess sediment, nutrients, or toxic chemicals, it must be purified to minimize the chance of contamination occurring. In addition, travel and leisure losses; financial systems based on leisure and fisheries; environments that are difficult to value and have real estate value but are irreplaceable; there is some cost. Advantages of water pollution: Certain types of fish and sea creatures have different benefits. For example, carp seeds may not be seriously affected by polluted water, but trout will die from the contamination. Carp therefore have the advantage of having no other fish to compete for food or area. Therefore, carp seeds grow better. Water pollution problem: Various water systems near metropolitan areas (cities and towns) are heavily polluted. This is the result of both garbage and hazardous materials thrown away by people, dumped legally or illegally by the manufacturing sector, medical industry, educational institutions and markets. The main problem caused by water pollution is destroying the life of these water-based organisms. Crabs, dead fish, seagulls and birds, dolphins, whales and a variety of other creatures usually end up on shore and are killed by environmental (living environment) pollutants. First of all, our technology and development are all over the world, so of course there are strengths and weaknesses here as well. Benefits can be useful in our lives, and we can control them and use them as much as possible, but benefits are hard to control. But there are some solutions to all kinds of problems. We can only find solutions and try to solve them as much as possible! This essay is about water pollution from factories. As a group, decide to write about life in the water and discuss water-related issues.